Our Team was brought together by our passion to make a difference, to be the catalyst for positive change. Most of the team have children who they want to be able to look straight in the eye in the future and say "we made a difference" - that's why we're here, day in, day out, putting our time, experience and expertise into producing and managing the platform that joins the dots, that triggers and facilitates change. We don't consider ourselves "Disruptors", we're "Helpers", and we're removing the barriers to the information, techniques and products to make life better. Here are a few words about us...
If you have online skills, access to funding or experience in raising funds, or simply passion and enthusiasm for sustainable homes, living and lifestyles then you may be a good fit with the SYSeco team. Please get in touch, tell us what you're great at and tell us a joke, we'd love to hear from you.